Scharf, Thomas J., History of Delaware, 1609-1888.
Volume Two- pp. 854-880 (1888)
THE NEW CASTLE GAS COMPANY was chartered February 19, 1857, and organized September 10, 1857,
with a capital stock of fifty thousand dollars in shares of ten dollars. The incorporators were
Thomas T. Tasker, Sr., Howard J. Terry, James Couper, John Janvier, James Crippen and
Peter B. Vandever. Mr. Tasker was elected president, an office still held by him. Mr. Vandever
was made secretary.
In 1887 the officers were T.T. Tasker, President; Wm. H. Clark, Secretary and Treasurer; William Herbert, James G. Shaw, Elmer W. Clark and Samuel M. Couper, directors.
Under the supervision of Mr. Tasker works were built, mains laid and gas introduced in 1857.
The plant of the company has a capacity of forty-five thousand feet per day.
There are five miles of mains and forty-one street-lamps, some of which have been in use since 1857.