The church secured the services of the highly learned clergyman Peter Tesschenmaker in 1679 to minister to a congregation which had grown to 160. He was a graduate of the University of Utrecht with a license to preach. He had served the English Reformed Church at The Hague, and that City's Dutch and English consistories sent excellent testimonials to New Ork concerning his character and preaching ability. English as well as Dutch and probably Swedes and Finns in the community attended the services at which the Rev. Tesschenmaker at first preached alternately in Dutch and English. Later the Dutch quarreled with the English members who withdrew from the church for a time. The Rev. Tesschenmaker was not satisfied with the support given him for his living -- it was litle and always so late that he was forced to collect it himself. He therefor accepted a call to Staten Island. [from A History of New Castle Presbyterian Church 1651-1989, Jean Bankert, 1989]